Greetings fellow Pendley tribe members, friends, or total strangers, whatever the case may be.
I've been toying with an idea for some time now of starting a family Blog to provide a forum for sharing news, photos, stray thoughts or whatever else various extended family members would be comfortable hanging out in a public space. The genesis for this project comes as a result of several influences:
1) I've been regularly reading some tales on blogs by other people, and in so doing have had all my notions about privacy and community utterly challenged.
2) My current full time job is "Learning Specialist" for Blue Mountain Community College where one of my roles is to promote various uses of technology for enhancing teaching & learning. In that capacity I've had a chance to look at a lot of different ways that people communicate.
3) My other job is adjunct instructor for Wenatchee Valley College. I teach two on-line courses for them: Principles of Sociology and Sociology of the Family. Both classes make extensive use of threaded discussion. In my Family course I had a student say: "I wish I had a discussion board like this I could share with my family members who live all over the country. It would be a great way for us all to stay in touch."
So I thought, why not? I figured I'd go ahead and set it up, and then let individual tribe members choose whether or not they want to participate.
It is a little weird, I must admit, to have conversations with each other that ANYONE with an internet connection could access. So some basic courtesy and precautions are definitely in order. For example - it's perfectly fine to share anything about YOU and your immediate household that you are comfortable having displayed in this public sort of forum. It's NOT ok to disclose information about other family members- even if it seems totally harmless. What feels quite innocuous to one person may be perceived as quite private to someone else. So no "outing" others about their comings and goings, including upcoming vacation plans, last weekend's barbecue, cute kid sayings or anything else, unless you have that person's permission, ok?
I would imagine there may be some family members who will be appalled at the whole notion of this family blog. That's fine. They don't have to play. Others may choose to read occasionally to see what the clan is up to, but stay in the background lurking without ever logging on themselves. That's ok too. But for those of you who may be willing - let us hear from you!
I've got aunts and uncles and cousins I deeply care about but seem to have completely lost touch with. Face it, most of you only hear from me in an annual Christmas letter. It's not that I don't think of you other times of the year. I do! But correspondence seems to be a dying art.
So let's try this and see what happens. Perhaps there will be a few feeble postings and then it will die out all together. Or not. It's up to us.
Ball is in your court. Want to play?